Could be kind of a complex scenario for us later today and into today. A boundary of severe weather may set up later this afternoon from the path of strong thunderstorms which are moving across eastern Iowa this morning. A couple of factors I want to point out here.
1. We will see a strong jet stream pattern setting up later this afternoon and this evening. That increases lift and gives us that all important factor called buoyancy or instability and lift.
2. A fast moving weather system will also increase that lift and cause thunderstorm and gusty wind development as well. Right now I think the main threat would be strong winds.
Certainly something to watch later today, keep checking back and I'll blog the storms later today.
This really has nothing to do with your post...but I was wondering...what is your take on all of the tornadoes that have been occuring this Spring? Why so many? Is it just a matter of time before we see them in our area? Has there ever been another era when so many have occured? Or maybe is this part of a cycle that is occuring? Thanks for your blog. You are the most knowledgeable, easy to understand, weather guy.
thank you for keeping us up to date!
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