Friday, April 25, 2008


The weekend is still on track to drop about 10 degrees off today's highs with temperatures dropping into the 60s. But the biggest change comes next week and surprisingly this pattern has held together and at least the European has been consistent this this cold air.

In comes Monday, you can see temperatures really begin to drop and this is the 7am picture with 850 mb temperatures around 0C
Cold air advection is evidenced here as temperatures don't warm between Monday and Tuesday, in fact, we see -4C by Tuesday morning. So there's my justification for 40s on Monday and Tuesday.
Just you don't get too tied up with with cold temperatures, the pattern does a 180-degree turn around by Wednesday. 850 mb temperatures are about +12 C ahead of another southern weather system!


Bob G. said...

So I should do as Captain Sinbad said in that one movie:
"Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel".
(that would mean cover up my tomato and pepper plants this weekend)...right?
Just want to be safe, that's all.



Greg Shoup said...

I sure would cover them up. Some cold nights through Tuesday Morning.