Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Blustery and breezy day

Temperatures will tumble today as a strong front moves across the area. If you're a regular reader of this blog you've probably seen me write about a strong pressure gradient.
You can see the pressure gradient here with the isobars tightly packed around low pressure.By 2pm there is still a strong pressure gradient across the area as we are in an area between high and low pressure.
By late Tuesday and early Wednesday you can see high pressure with the isobars relaxing quite a bit and not so tightly packed.

A one day break but you can see by the end of the day Wednesday you can see more activity to the west. Look out Thursday!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

The tight gradient was blowing my little garden flag off its holder this morning! Nothing like weather in action! But the flag does say, "Welcome Spring." Maybe we need a strong wing to blow winter out....