Sunday, March 16, 2008

Another Weather Geek

Joe, thanks for this email, you made my day.
I, am too a weather freak. I love spring and the thunderstorms it brings. I think it goes back to the Palm Sunday tornadoes when we were in our basement in an old farmhouse that I grew up in south of Huntington. It destroyed every window on the east side of our house. The hail shredded our lamp shades and pulled the carpet up and moved all the furniture the other side of the room. We had a fairly good sized chicken coop that was picked up and moved about 30 yards away…just picked up and set down! After the storm, we went outside and the fog from all the hail, which was a few inches deep was incredibal. My wife thinks I`am crazy for being excited when the storm forcasts start saying maybe a good chance of severe storms, but I always love it. I even dream about tornadoes. Anyway, just thought I would say hey and say I read your blog before the nws forcast because I can tell you are more accurate and more excited as then they are. Good job and keep in touch. Joe PS. I took a picture of a tornado a few years ago and made honorable mention in the herald press photo contest. It is supposedly in the Huntington county historical museum but I didn`t check.

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