Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wolves can tell it's Spring

I had to lift this from my friend at our sister station WLFI Mike Pranley's Blog.
Mike has a blog viewer who works at Lafayette Wolf Park and writes: "You can always tell when spring is around the corner by the sight of wet wolves. They hang out on the ice a lot. When it thaws, they fall through the ice a lot. Fortunately, wolves can easily haul themselves out of the pond and outside their pride; they are unharmed by this experience. Their double layered coat keeps them warm even when wet and they seem to have no problem hauling out onto ice thick enough to support a wolf, or simply breaking enough ice to reach the shore.Just by chance I was able to get a photo of one the wolves falling through the ice on their pond this afternoon. I was driving along the access road around the enclosure and noticed that Ruedi was all wet. You could see where he fell through. I stopped to take a photo of a very wet wolf when he fell through a second time. I was able to get photos of him in the water and photos of a very wet wolf once he hauled himself back out. It only takes a few seconds for them to get out of the water."

-Monty Sloan

Thanks Mike I have a soft spot for the wolves, especially in Indiana. It's so wild to have something like Wolf Park in our own backyard.

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